Cold Storage Desing Criteria
Cold Room Design Criteria-EN
1-) Name Of The Project
2-) Location Of The Project
3-) Customer
4-) Application Field
5-) E-mail
6-) Phone
7-) What is the dimension of the cold room? ( external dimension )
8-) How much must be the inside temperature and relative humidity?
(+ 2 / + 10ºC, -5 / + 5ºC, -15 / -25ºC, -35 / -40ºC)
9-) What are the physical conditions of outside air?
10-) What is the kind of product stored? ( Meat, fish, vegetable, pastry, milk, garbage,…etc)
11-) How many kilograms of product will be stored?
12-) What is the inlet temperature of the product?
13-) How many hours must the product reach the intended temperature?
14-) What is the distance between inside and outside units?
15-) Which material do you want for the surface of the c. room s walls and ceiling?
16-) Which material do you want for the surface of the cold room s floors?
17-) What is the dimension of the clear opening of the doors? ( Ex: 90*1,90cm)
18-) How must be the bottom of the cold room s doors?
19-) How must be the door leaf of the cold rooms?
20-) Which material do you want for the surface of the cold room s doors?